Lefty Blondie Press First Chapbook Award
Submit your chapbook manuscripts from JANUARY 1 - MARCH 31, 2025
We welcome poetry chapbook manuscripts written by those who:
self-identify as woman or non-binary individual
40+ years old
writing in English, currently living in the U.S
have yet to publish a poetry chapbook, poetry collection, or full-length poetry book before September 30 of contest year​
We're trying something NEW for the 2025 First Chapbook Contest submissions!
Introducing the pay-what-you-can reading fee via Duosuma tip jar!
We want to read your work! We don't want the reading fee to keep you from submitting.
ALL manuscripts are read by both LBP editors with openness and attention, regardless of what you're able to add to our tip jar.
We suggest $15-$20 reading fee per manuscript submission, but please feel free to submit and skip the reading fee.
​All tip jar donations support LBP's mission
to promote the poetry of self-identifying women and non-binary people.
The 2025 winning manuscript will be selected by Stacey Waite
Lefty Blondie Press will print 250 carefully edited, handbound, hand-cut, and hand-numbered chapbooks
The poet of the winning manuscript will receive:
10 (ten) author copies
40% off any additional author copies
LBP will promote finalists and the winning chapbook widely on our website, social media, and other outlets
LBP will sponsor a public reading with this year's judge in Pittsburgh, PA (or online as necessary) in September 2025
Winner & finalists will be announced in June

The poet Denise Duhamel calls Stacey Waite “one of the most dazzling and culturally relevant poets of our time.”
A Real Man Would Have a Gun (University of New Mexico Press, 2025)
Mary Burritt Christiansen Poetry Series
Butch Geography (Tupelo Press, 2013)
The Lake has No Saint (Tupelo Press, 2010)
winner of the Snowbound Prize in Poetry
Love Poem to Androgyny (Main Street Rag, 2006)
winner of the 2006 Main Street Rag Chapbook Competition
Choke (Thorngate Road, 2004)
winner of the 2004 Frank O'Hara Prize in Poetry
​Scholarly Work:
Teaching Queer: Radical Possibilities for Writing and Knowing
(University of Pittsburgh Press, 2017)​​​
Stacey Waite is a poet, activist, educator, and scholar who conducts research in the field of composition and the teaching of writing as well. Originally, from Long Island, New York, Stacey received a Master of Fine Arts in writing in 2002 and a PhD from the University of Pittsburgh in 2011. Waite is now Associate Professor of English at the University of Nebraska—Lincoln.
Waite is both poet and performer, exploring the gendered spaces in which we live (or do not live) while re-inventing the poetry reading itself. Waite’s poems are both lyrical and narrative, both subtle song and charged spoken word as they re-imagine and re-define the ways we think about gender as it moves us through the territory of an androgynous life. Waite has been a headliner at poetry slams, a featured reader at conferences nationwide and has opened for nationally recognized musicians and performers, such as Bernice Johnson Reagon of Sweet Honey and the Rock at the Byham Theatre in Pittsburgh, PA and for the comic Jenny McNulty in Ventura, California. Waite’s work is celebrated for its versatility and accessibility, making waves in diversity education and queer outreach activism as well as academic settings.
Poet and Editor of Prairie Schooner, Kwame Dawes, says of Waite’s poetry: "Waite is a pathfinder, charting with disarming honesty, humor, pathos, and willful perplexity the uncertain terrain of gender in ways that shatter assumptions, unsettle easy presumptions, and yet, through the sheer grace of craft...open us to the beauty of our strange human enterprise.”
About Love Poem to Androgyny, writer Jan Beatty remarks:“ Love Poem to Androgyny is a collection where exhilaration meets struggle meets rage meets deliverance into the complicated body . . . This women/man thing has run its course and it’s run right into the rolling, pressing, relentless lines of Waite’s poetry.”
You can see two of Stacey Waite’s riveting performances on the renowned Button Poetry channel here and here​​
Submit chapbook manuscripts from JANUARY 1 - MARCH 31
18-24 pages of poetry (not including title page, table of contents, endnotes)
Can be any form or topic, though we find a unifying theme works best
Begin each new poem on a new page
Your name should not appear anywhere in or on the manuscript
Individual poems may be previously published, with acknowledgements
Simultaneous submissions accepted. Please notify us at LeftyBlondiePress@gmail.com immediately if your manuscript is accepted elsewhere
Lefty Blondie Press holds first serial rights for work that we publish, and the right to reprint that work in other formats with your permission.
Upon publication, all rights revert to the author.
Please cite Lefty Blondie Press if your poems published with LBP are published elsewhere in the future.