Lefty Blondie Press promotes the poetry of woman-identifying and non-binary people.
Through our annual Lefty Blondie Press First Chapbook Award, LBP promotes the finalists, and promotes and publishes the winner selected by that year’s judge. The purpose of this award is to honor the time it takes many poets to be ready to share their work with the world, often times because they're so busy living in it! With that in mind, we limit submissions to women and non-binary people who are at least 40 years old and have yet to publish a poetry chapbook or book.
Lefty Blondie Press publishes limited runs of carefully edited, handbound, hand-cut, and hand-numbered chapbooks. Each chapbook we publish receives the full attention of our editors and designers. We work closely with the poet during the design and layout process to create a chapbook that is a unique extension of the poems it collects.
Our Lefty Blondie Press Editors' Choice Broadside Series is a collaboration between LBP editors, poets, and letterpress designers to make poems more visible! Lefty Blondie Press serves as the conduit between a single poem and the handset letterpress process. Our goal with this series is to promote the art of letterpress printing, and create avenues to poetry for those who may otherwise avoid encountering it.
Lefty Blondie Press broadsides are letterpress printed on individual sheets of exquisite paper. creating an engaging, unique, hand-numbered piece for your wall. They also make for the best kind of unique gift giving!
We love collaborating with artists and designers to create fun, literary items, such as the LBP Paper Poets Series or LBP chapbook earrings.

Lefty Blondie Press is the creation of Amy Lee Heinlen and Marguerite Miller. LBP began in 2012 as part of their independent publishing experience in Chatham University’s MFA in Creative Writing program. Due to the transient nature of the graduated graduate student, the press lay dormant for some years. In 2021, in the midst of social and personal upheaval, Amy Lee and Marguerite felt it was time to breathe new life into LBP.